Kobo Book Publishing


Kobo Book Publishing Services- Expand your Reach with us!

Our goal at Smith Publishing House is to make the All-platform-publishing experience enjoyable for all writers. With a variety of publishing services, we help you widen your reach through different platforms. Our helpful editors will give you individual care and offer helpful criticism to help you reach your book to the maximum number of readers. We strive to make Kobo self-publishing a seamless and enjoyable experience, to put it briefly. Now that we've taken care of everything else, you can relax and concentrate on writing…

Publish on Kobo to give your book the exposure it deserves

Get Around the World

Kobo is an eBook vendor with operations in more than 190 nations. This means that by Kobo eBook publishing, you can reach millions of readers around the world who are searching for fresh, interesting books to read. Don’t Wait, Go Kobo!

Earn Efficiently

Kobo offers a royalty rate of 70% for eBooks priced between $0.99 and $12.99, and 45% for eBooks priced outside that range. In comparison, Amazon KDP offers a royalty rate of 70% for eBooks priced between $2.99 and $9.99, and a 35% royalty rate for eBooks priced outside that range. Hence, publishing a book on Kobo is a good and efficient option for new authors.

One for All

Kobo eBook publishing comes with a double advantage; Kobo book publishers have a wide ground to attract new readers. You must be wondering how? Kobo partners with major retailers and distributors around the world to ensure that your book is available in all the major eBook markets. Publishing a book on Kobo means that your book can be found on Kobo as well as other popular eBook retailers such as Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon Kindle.

Experience the Control

Kobo Self-Publishing provides authors a control. With a comprehensive dashboard that allows authors to track their sales, monitor their reviews, and see how their books are performing in different markets.

Stay Active through a Community

A sizable and engaged readership exists on Kobo, and these readers are enthusiastic about finding new writers and books to support. As a result, kobo book publishers can make use of this community to market their books and increase readership.

Avail Incentives

Kobo Self-publishing offers a range of incentive programs to help authors increase their sales and reach new readers. For example, Kobo's "Kobo Writing Life (KWL) Promotions" program allows authors to apply for free or discounted book promotions, while its "Kobo Plus" program allows authors to earn additional royalties by making their books available through Kobo's subscription service.

Your Book Your Choices

Kobo Publishing allows authors to set their own eBook prices, which means that authors can experiment with different price points to see what works best for their books and their readers.

Open a Door to New Opportunities through our Kobo Publishing Services

Take Advantage of our Expertise

As a provider of Kobo book publishing services, we have expertise and experience in the publishing industry, which means that we can provide authors with valuable guidance and support throughout the publishing process. This includes help with formatting, cover design, metadata, pricing, and marketing.

Save Time and Money

By using our Kobo eBook publishing services, authors can save time and focus on their writing. We handle the technical aspects of publishing, such as formatting and uploading, as well as the marketing and promotion of your books. This allows authors to spend more time on what they do best - writing.

Get Visible with Us

Our Kobo book publishing services can help authors increase their visibility and reach a wider audience of readers. By leveraging our marketing expertise and knowledge of the Kobo platform, we help authors promote their books and attract new readers.

Maximizing Royalties Maximizing Sales

As an experienced provider of Kobo self-publishing services, we help authors maximize their royalties by optimizing their pricing, distribution, and promotion strategies. This ensures that authors earn the most money possible from their book sales.

Remain Tension-free

With our Kobo eBook publishing services, we provide authors with troubleshooting and support throughout the publishing process. This includes help with any technical issues that may arise, as well as support with marketing and promotion strategies.

Competitive Advantage

By using our Kobo Publishing services, authors gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Our expertise and experience help authors stand out from the competition and attract

Get Set Creative!—A Bonus Tip from SPH

  • We are one of the publishing houses that truly believes in client empowerment, hence we appreciate authors if they want to carry future marketing and promotional strategies. Here are some tips regarding Kobo Writing Life:

  • Experiment with different pricing strategies: Kobo Writing Life allows you to set your own price for your eBook, so you can experiment with different pricing strategies to see what works best for your book. For example, you could offer your book for a limited time at a promotional price, or you could price it slightly lower than other similar books in your genre to attract more readers.

  • Take advantage of Kobo Writing Life's marketing and promotion tools: Kobo Writing Life provides a range of marketing and promotion tools that you can use to reach more readers and increase your book's visibility. For example, you could participate in Kobo's promotional campaigns, or you could offer your book for free for a limited time to attract more readers.

  • Optimize your book listing: To make your book stand out on the Kobo platform, you can be creative with your book listing. This involves writing an engaging book description that grabs the reader's attention, choosing the right categories and keywords to help your book get discovered by more readers, and uploading a high-quality cover image that accurately reflects the content of your book.

  • Engage with your readers: Another way to be creative at Kobo Writing Life is to engage with your readers. This can involve responding to read reviews and feedback, offering exclusive content or bonus material to your readers, or hosting Q&A sessions or virtual book clubs on social media.

  • If you don’t have time and you want to allocate your time to writing, our Kobo Publishing experts help you to focus on writing while doing all the above tasks with their expertise. Feel free to ask away!


Why Choose Us?

Smith Publishing House is not only the author’s favorite for its quality work but for the wide windows, it opens for the authors. Along with the variety of options, it goes for a hybrid approach. An approach that is not common and where we let the authors write while taking care of everything. For example, we publish your book on Kobo and then keep monitoring and adjusting it while keeping an eye on your professional dashboard. Through this, we not only ensure that your book reaches a global audience but you get maximum return on your financial, emotional, and physical investment!

Author Success Stories: Inspiring Tales of Self-Publishing Triumph

Explore the possibilities of publishing with us now!

With a range of publishing services and a dedicated team of professionals, we're here to make your publishing journey as smooth and successful as possible. Let's talk!

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